Thursday, March 22, 2007

Seriously STITCHED!!

Phew what a day! This morning I cut my finger pretty bad! It just wouldn't stop bleeding! My sweet colleagues tried to help me out in any way they could but after quite some time we concluded that I REALLY needed a physician. WeeeeWeeee! It needed to be stitched and OMG what a giant hook that man pulled through my poor finger!! Ouch!
When we returned at the stadium lunch time was pretty much over and I felt pretty bad about it as Maurits deliberately changed my working schedule yesterday because he needed an extra helping hand around lunch time... but I wasn't really helping out hehe. From 2pm till 5pm I had a break, to return for the night shift. I don't like those breaks; of those 3 hours I'm only 90 minutes actually at home and in that time you're supposed to cook, have dinner and get some rest. Yeah right...
Now I'm happy to be back at home! =) It's just that a few minutes ago blood is coming through the bandages again and I'm afraid I put too much pressure on my finger at work tonight and I reaaaaally hope the stitches are still ok!! I'm afraid I'll have to switch the bandage just hurts so much, I'm not a very brave girl hehe ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeetje meid het ziet er pijnlijk uit! Misschien moet je gewoon effe rust houden met die vinger...kan nooit goed zijn al die zware borden op dat vingertje! Hoop dat je niet te veel pijn hebt.
Zaterdag ben ik rond 17u in R'daal we kunnen dan 's avonds weer een filmpje pikken in Antwerpen ofzo...
laat maar weten wanneer je klaar bent! goed? tot zaterdag