Sunday, October 01, 2006

Holy Cr@p! She's back!! -----------------------------------------------------alive and (still) kicking...

*Shame on me!* I haven't been posting here in such a long long while! So much has happened since my latest blog entry!! I won't discuss it all thouroughly now, now THAT would be boring... so I'll just stick to the latest most important updates! From now on I promise to write regularly again he he, might be good to reboost my english writing skills again as well, so just let me kill two birds with one stone now
Most important at the moment, I quit my studies!! Yeah, you got it right he he. The dutch bureaucracy and non-logic rules were working too hard against me. I almost literally got sick of it! And since they wouldn't let me join the classes I should follow this year anyway, I let myself unregister from university. Why pay all that much money while they won't give you any proper education?! HA! At that time, I didn't like that at all, but the more and more I think of it now, I think it was a good step to take. I did not like the things I was doing at was WAY too abstract, too much scientific blablabla. I did not get any satisfaction from my work. Not at ALL! I need to work with people, I want to help, I want to do something good... If only I could start school all over... but that just isn't the case... TOO BAD! I do have my bachelor degree in psychology, but people do not seem to recognize any value to that. So I have been applying for jobs that are combined with a study now. That way I can still learn and develop and have a fulltime job and (more important) salary!! in once. But so far, only rejections... but quite a few are still in progress be continued! This Tuesday I will finally have my meeting at CWI, let's see if I get any wiser by means of that!
Well that was my major update I think. Many things have happened besides that, but I think that one in question would be my most important one since it affected my whole way of living now. So what else has been going on?!
Ofcourse we've had the pleasure to welcome Frank and Diana in Holland. It's been a great again! Ok, we've had MUCH rain, more rain, and even more rain...Both Frank AND Diana got sick (too much food?! --too much beer?!) and if you happen to read this... do you guys remember the "wegenwacht"?! he he. But besides all that, it's been fun! Diana, too bad you had to leave your purse at the airport, but you should know I'm taking good care of it :P

Looking forward to visit you all in Phoenix once again! I love the renewed Micola website, Rick! Good job! It's one of the great ways to keep in touch! Keep on writing, keep on posting those pics! =)

What else is new? I just heard that Menno bought the house AND has the job! Wow that's all going great! Good luck to you and Brylie!

Yesterday, Tinky arrived in Bangkok safely! although she had to walk like a duck through the airports because of a broken high-heel of one of her shoes. She had to break the other one as well by herself so she could keep on walking on it. And above all that she got lost on the just newly opened BKK Suvarnabhumi airport! I felt so sorry for her... I'm glad she's ok now! Now we should all cross our fingers for her job interview! Good luck kuhn Supalak! =) Ahh and I do have to mention her book is published and in thai bookstores now, even to be ordered online as well! Ok, it is in thai but there are some good pics in it as well so if you can't read you can still see he he... :

I just felt like promoting it a little bit ;) You never know what this all leads to, right?!... >> r i c h & f a m o u s ? !

Book’s name : ลุยทุ่งทิวลิป ท่องแดนกังหันลม ฮอลแลนด์ (Walking through the tulip fields in the windmill land: Holland) ISBN : 9789749474372 Total : 157 pages Author : Tinky Winky Printed : 4 colours / paperback Published : 9/2549 ( September, 2006 ) Price : 145 Baht ( Via SE-ED Eshop 131 Baht )

Ok, let me just leave it at this for now... so many things still left to tell you all about but I really don't want you to get bored on your sunday. HA! t2u l8r!

Note: I haven't been able to reply all emails YET ;) working on it...please be a bit patient he he


Anonymous said...

nou ik vind dat je het allemaal goed geformuleerd heb! Heeft het een beetje gelopen om alles op een rijtje te zetten....
Nou veel succes morgen bij het CWI. Ik hoop dat je meer aan hun advies hebt dan dat ik eraan had. Wat zij mij informeerde had ik eigenlijk al voor mezelf bedacht. Beetje Jammer!
Ga morgen met Thijs ( jeweetwel ) naar blijdorp! Hij vroeg of ik met hem mee wilde ( oke ) ik weet niet echt wat ik er van moet denken....
hou je op de hoogte hoor...

Anonymous said...

So Sarah,

Should I post my replies in English as well?
This is such a shock, to read that you quit UvT!! I really didn't know, and I feel ashamed about it.
How is your health? Maybe we could meet sometime?
Haha, stom zeg, in het Engels, alhoewel het steeds meer mijn tweede taal is geworden door mijn werk.
spreek je snel he!