Saturday, April 07, 2007

Heya hay fever!

AARGH the troubles started again! I felt a bit uncomfortable for a few weeks already but now... sneezing the minute you walk out the door... constantly those f*%#@! tearing eyes... sooo tired all day long... and I know things will only get worse from now on. Damn you, hay fever!
clipped from
Hooikoortsbericht Nederland
Geldig vanaf zaterdag 7 april 2007 - Aanhoudend ongunstig

De hooikoortssituatie is ook vandaag weer vrij ongunstig. In de ochtend valt er lokaal wel wat zuiverende neerslag, maar het overgrote deel van de dag verloopt droog, waarbij met name in de middag de zon steeds meer de overhand krijgt. Ook de komende dagen blijft de situatie ongunstig en wordt de hinder groter door verder oplopende temperaturen en meer zon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that the date of your this post is almost a year ago.

Maybe some of these tips will help:
Tips for beating hayfever

This article looks at how to minimise exposure to pollen (and so should work regardless of how you react to medications). Hope it helps bring some relief.