This is a "warning!" for the dutchies among you! Yesterday my brother received an invoice from J.B Entertainment company, saying that they recieved his order and that it was sent to some address (Agavestraat, can't remember its number) in Almere, and that the payment would be done by automatic debit transfer. Since my brother DID expect some package ordered online by our mom for his birthday, he thought at first maybe there went something wrong in that delivery. After all, he did not know by what company it would be ordered. But a closer look at the invoice revealed some spelling errors he did not trust. After some "google-ing" he found that the company was not known to the Chamber of Commerce. According to the invoice, the company supposed to be located in Roosendaal (!), to be more precise on the Hoveniersberg! less than a mile from where we used to live! The invoice gave a 0900-telephone number, which can be very expensive and not always to be trusted. Actually it said 0900 827 0 823 p/m which might mean you pay 823 eurocents (or euro! or even worse: 9008270823 euro!!) a minute! So if you receive this invoice as well, I suggest you do not call this number! ;) A look at the website of Tros' "Opgelicht" showed us that more people received this invoice yesterday and it seemed that the guy living in the Agavestraat in Almere has been called over 90 times already yesterday and had even angry people coming over to his house. But it seemed he had nothing to do with all this - they just picked some random address. So, definitely fake! It was just a bit strange since we DID expect some package from which we did not know its sender, and the fact that it was from Roosendaal...oh well one big coincidence I guess... What I do want to know is by what means they retrieved the detailed info for the delivery. *sigh* we might never know...
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